With 3 programs, 4 start times available per program, and advanced watering cycles, it’s easy to see why programming a Rain Bird ESP timer can be a daunting process.
I’ve been getting many questions lately about the use of the program selector switch on the Rain Bird ESP timer. There is a common misunderstanding that if you leave the selector/slide switch on a certain program, that it becomes the only program the timer will water.
To explain, it doesn’t matter where the program selector switch is positioned, the timer will water all programs in which there is information/programming entered.
If you click on the image on the left for a larger view, notice that the selector switch is positioned on program A. I also have information on programs B & C that will water even though the selector is positioned on program A.
Let’s look at an example:
- I move the program selector/slide switch to program A.
- I input station run time for valves 1-4 on program A with a start time of 6 AM, and I set the water days to the custom cycle to water on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- If I move the dial back to Auto the timer will water all of the information I just entered on program A.
- I move the selector/slide switch to program B.
- I input station run times for valves 5 & 6 with a start time of 2 PM, and I set the waters days to cyclic to water every other day.
- If I leave the selector/slide switch on program B and return the dial to Auto, not only will the timer water every thing I entered on program B, the timer will also water everything I entered on program A.
After reading through the manual again on the ESP timer I agree that Rain Bird doesn’t do a good job of explaining what the switch does after you input programming onto the different programs on the timer. I would suggest they add the line of text I have above or something similar to help users better understand the programming process.
I’ll remind you one more time here, no matter where the selector/slide is positioned, whenever you move the dial to the Auto position, the timer will try and water all the information you have input in the various programs.
I am so grateful you published this information. It was so well written that I had no trouble understanding how the selector switch operates.
I was finally able to program the various valves to accomplish the watering programs that I need,
A very big thank you!
You’re welcome!!
I just happened to be awake at 2am and my sprinkler came on. I thought this doesn’t make sense I have the switch set to a different program that doesn’t start until 6am. I decided to look for the model for the manual and a Google image showed up with your circled switch. This all makes sense now and I feel a bit dumb because 1) For two months I’ve been double watering a couple zones. 2) I had my son switch the setting one evening thinking it would only water the front yard while he and his friends were sleeping in a tent with just the mesh in the back yard. They and their stuff got quite wet as nobody thought to run in and turn it off.
Thanks for posting this.
Yeah, all programs will water regardless of where the program selector switch is positioned.
Hi Iscaper,
I ran across your website today about help with Rainbird sprinkler systems. I really like the concise and detailed help you provide!!
I have a 83 yr old neighbor that lost her husband 6 years ago and I have been helping her with small things around the house. She has a very nice yard and the hot weather has dried up the lawn. The house has a ESP-6LX Plus system. I have replaced the memory battery and tried to get it to water in AUTO. I have ran the system in TEST to find all the sprinklers and make sure there is no damage to the system. It works fine and all heads are working fine. The Problem is: I have set the system to start in program A at 6:30am daily in CUSTOM mode. But, only one zone will come on for the set time of 15 minutes. The other zones will NOT come on in AUTO. For now, I have to run the system in manual to run each zone to get water on her front and back yard. Can you provide some guidance on why the other zones do not operate in AUTO? (Note: I have not found a rain sensor outside, but inside the control panel there is a short jumper wire laying inside the panel box–wondering if this has something to do with it)
Hi Kevin,
I don’t think jumper wire is the problem because station 1 will water, but first turn the sensor bypass switch to OFF to be sure sensor isn’t the problem. I think your problem may be Station Watering Times.
Download a manual for the ESP-6LX timer. Here’s a link: https://www.rainbird.com/sites/default/files/media/documents/2018-02/man_ESPLX.pdf
Turn dial to AUTO and confirm program A is showing in display. If not, press PRG button until program A displays. Next turn dial to Day Cycle and confirm CUSTOM shows in the display. If not, use Up or Down arrow until CUSTOM displays.
Go to page 14 in manual and follow instructions to turn days On or Off.
Go to page 19 in manual and confirm or set Station Watering Times.
Stations should water in Auto mode after checking these steps.
Thank you for this article! I agree that Rain Bird has done a poor job of explaining how the different programs work. I recently setup an ESP-ME3 with a program A (Tues, Thurs, Sun) and B (every day) thinking that I could choose between the two programs as watering demand changed. I was confused as to why the system was watering on Off days when in program A. Now I know the controller was running both programs and as a result have cleared program B.
You are correct, the timer will try and water all programs with a start time. When using multiple programs you need to be careful with overlapping start times from those programs.
You can set up program B with all the watering information except a start time. Then if you want to use program B simply add a start time. If you don’t want to use program A at that point remove its start time.
I recently had the ESP-ME3 Controller installed. I have everything programmed as it should (I think) but the cycle days are throwing me off. I have it programmed to water Mon – Sun as ON but the cycle days say 2, 0 and shows next watering day Tuesday (today is Thursday). I can’t get the cycle days to show 0,0 as I want to water everyday for now. Does the Mon-Sun stating ON overwrite the cycle days showing or can I turn the cycle days off somehow?
I just looked at the manual and it is a bit confusing. You want Custom watering which it looks like you have done. You can also check if you have Custom Watering by looking at the display. If it shows Odd, Even, or Cyclic in the display then you don’t have Custom watering.
Here’s the instructions from the manual for Custom watering:
Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary). Press + or – to set the selected (blinking) day as either ON or OFF, and to automatically move to the next day. Press back button or forward button at any time to move the cursor to the previous or next day.
NOTE: With Sunday selected, press the forward button to enter and activate Cyclic Watering (see the Advanced Programming section). If this is not desired, press the back button to return to watering by Custom Days.
Let me know if this helped. KT
I know this is old, in Cyclic you want it to show 0,1 – 0 wait, in other words ‘today’ is a watering day, and repeat every 1, or every day. 0,1 will make it water every day.
We have a new system with an ESP-TM2. Zones 1-6 are spray heads for the lawn and zones 7-8 are drippers for the bed plants.
The plants need more often irrigation (more days), but we can’t figure out how to do this. Within a given program, it appears all zones run on the same day schedule, so no way to program zones 7-8 to run more days? We also thought we could run zones 7-8 more on program B, but learned as you say that all zones will run together regardless. Due to water restrictions, we would like to shut off zones 1-6 during droughts & dormant winter months but leave zones 7-8 running year round.
Is there anything we can do with the programmer to accomplish this, or must it be done manually?
Thanks for all your expert advice.
You’re on the right track, put stations 1-6 on program A and stations 7-8 on program B. Sprinkler zones don’t water all together, but water in sequence. One start time will water zones 1-6 on program A. You can water program B everyday with multiple start times a day if you want. It won’t be affected by what you do on program A. Programs water independent of each other, just be careful you don’t overlap start times when programming (that is, don’t have a 6am start time on program A and a 6am start time on program B). Also,you could shut off watering on program A and program B would still water.
I just had the Rainbird ESP-ME3 controller installed. Thursday and Sunday are set in the “Set Water Days” which is what I am allowed, due to water restrictions. However, Cyclic also has 3 days with 0 days remaining showing. Would this setting in Cyclic cause the system to run everyday? How do I turn off or cancel the Cyclic programming? Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you turn the dial to Advanced Watering Cycles and select Custom to set the water days, you don’t have to worry about Cyclic or Odd/Even watering on that program.
Hi, I have the Rainbird ESP-ME3 controller. I currently have Wednesday and Saturday set on program A to run at 0800 and 1700 for 20 minutes. I would like to set the rest of the days on program B to run at 0400. How do I set these other days to only run on program B while keeping program A for Wednesday and Saturday ? Is this even possible ? The manual offers no help at all. Thank you.
It can be done, but I need to know which stations you want to water on Wednesday and Saturday on program A, and which stations and days you want to water on program B.
I need to water five stations on Wednesday and Saturday on program A which I have set for two watering times (0800 & 1700). I also need to water the same five stations on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday on program B with one watering time at 0400. Thanks again.
On program A: Set start times at 0800 & 1700, turn on water days Wednesday & Saturday. Turn off other water days.
On program B: Set start time at 0400, turn on water days Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, & Su. Be sure to turn off water days Wednesday & Saturday on program B.
Hello again, The solution worked. thank you immensely for your guidance and help.
I know this post is extremely old now, but just in case someone is still monitoring I need to say thanks so much. Even after all these years the manual for the current system still doesn’t explain how the programs interact so your post is as valuable now as it ever was.
Great Job!
Thanks Andy for the feedback.
I have an ESP TM2 (12 station controller). Seems easy to operate , but – despite having connected 6 stations to the controller, I can’t seem to programme for anything above station 5 – before it returns to station 1 again. Can you help please?
So when you try to arrow over to station 6 and set a run time the timer jumps back to station 1? If so it sounds like the timer isn’t detecting a connection to the station 6 terminal.
Sadly, the rain bird manual is woefully lacking in detailed information on how to program it as well as advanced and hidden features. You post was concise and explained all that I needed.
I have an irrigation system that is cistern fed and I needed to program zones split into evening and morning for water recovery time (County water refills the cistern when the cistern levels are too low which with 3 acres is always) Thanks too you it was much easier! As well I was able to program in delay times between valves. Thanks
Thanks Frank, I appreciate the feedback.
I have a rain bird esp modular system and it runs thru the system a second time. The timer for each value is set for 15 minutes. It was originally set for 4 hours when we bought the house. Is that the reason it keeps running thru the system again?. Should i set the run time to 1 hour so each value opens only 1 time?
No, you need to eliminate start times. You only need one start time for all the valves/zones on a program to water once. For example: you have 4 valves on program A that you want to water 15 minutes each day. One start time on program A will do this because the valves/zones on this program will water in sequence.
Sorry, I can’t find the way to post. My ESP controller flash day, time, and minutes. It will not allow me to reset the areas. Suggestions?
I would try a reset. Here’s the instructions from the manual:
1. Open the cabinet door.
2. Open the front panel by grasping the crescent-shaped finger hold on the top right side of the cabinet. Swing the front panel to the left.
3. Locate the RESET button on the back of the front panel. Using the tip of a pencil or other pointed object, press and hold the RESET button. While the button is pressed, the display will be blank.
4. Close the front panel by swinging it back to the right. Turn the dial to AUTO.
Thank You. Will resetting it wipe out all the programming? As you can read, I am brand new to this.
This is from the manual:
The reset function can be used to “unlock” the controller’s microprocessor in case of a blank/scrambled display or abnormal conditions. Resetting will not erase time, date or program information.
Another thank you for your help. I did open it up, and there is no reset button. I have to believe we are dealing with a model from the 90s due to the fact your comments on how to open…it opened differently. I even tried to do manual today and nothing happened.
Thank you, thank you. You have been so helpful! I am still working through the problem. A person quoted me $120.00 per hour to diagnose. This would be the initial charge and then minutes would be calculated. I have to believe I can figure it out.
Hi Ann,
If your timer is that old I would consider upgrading to a Wifi timer and saving the diagnosis fees on your old one. Rain Bird has a couple of models I would recommend that you can run from your smartphone. It’s nice to be able to sit on the couch and control a sprinkler system.
I have a rain Bird 6TM. I added another sprinkler valve and 3 more sprinklers to that valve.
When opening my controllers lower face I see where there are 8 zones available. I connected the wire at the new valve and the same color wire at the controller to zone 7 but my controller is not recognizing the 7th zone. Is there something I need to do or program to get it to recognize the new 7th zone??
Note** The controller only has 1 – 6 on the cover. Does that mean I can only have 6 zones?
I looked up the TM2 timers. There are 4,6,8, and 12 station models. If your timer says it’s 6 station I would guess the 7th and 8th terminal connections inside are inactive. Here’s a link on the TM2 timers: https://www.rainbird.com/products/esp-tm2-series-controllers
I think I figured it out, I had 2 run times for program A at 6am (zoneS 1,2,3) and for program B at 4pm (zones 4,5,6). I have been trying different combinations for 1 week and hopefully, tomorrow at 4pm I’ll find out if this one is correct.
Remember to zero out the station run times for stations 4,5,& 6 on program A, and zero out station run times for 1,2,& 3 on on program B. From what you describe you only need one start time for each program, one at 6am for program A and one at 4pm for program B.
Hello, Great information here. I have an ESP-Me controller. Currently all zones are programmed in Program A. What I would like to do is also have Program B that contains only the lawn for when I overseed in the fall and don’t need the landscape beds watered. I may also want to add Program C in a different configuration. I want to be able to operate these programs independently. I am not seeing in the Operating Manual how to do that. I can set the watering times/stations for each program, but cannot figure out how to turn two of them off so only one program is used at a time. Thanks.
Programs do operate independently of each other as long as you have a start time, station run time, & water days entered. To stop a program from watering you can simply turn off the start time for that program. When you need that program again, simply add back in the start time.
Programs will water in sequence depending on the start times you have entered. Be sure not to overlap start times on the programs.
Hello! I have and ESP-ME controller. It is set to via PGM A to water zones 1-8 in the morning at 5am. That works perfect. I’d like to water just zone 2 in the evenings as well. Within PGM B, I set zone 2 as a 5 minute program, zeroed timed the other zones, and set the start time in the evening. It does not appear that PGM A and PGM B are running at the same time. Any suggestions on how to get a single zone to water at a secondary time?
The only thing I can think of that you haven’t done is to turn on the days on program B that you want to water.
I have a ESP-TM2 running off a well at our new home. The timer only has info programmed in Program A for each zone. For some reason the system will run normally through the zones but then repeat. I do not see any times set in Programs B or C. The system runs until I manually switch to OFF.
I can manually water a zone and timer works fine without repeating so why would the system start watering zone 1 after zone 4 finishes?
Sounds like you may have additional start times on program A. Remember you only need 1 start time to water all the valves on program A. One start time will water all the valves in sequence.
1. Mover the program selector to program A.
2. Turn the dial to “SET WATERING START TIMES.”
3. The display shows the first start time currently set for the program.
4. Press “MANUAL START / ADVANCE” to display the next watering start time.
5. To eliminate a watering start time, press Up arrow or Down arrow until the “OFF” setting between 11:45 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. appears.
Repeat step 4 to check if there are additional start times on program A.
I have jusr reseeded my lawn, and want to water every day. Setting the timer to turn on every day went normally Monday through Saturday. When attempting to turn on Sunday instead of displaying on it displayed “Cyclic”. Every day now has cyclic instead of on. Is this correct?
No. CYCLIC waters on a selected daily interval (for example, every other day, or every third day). You want Custom. CUSTOM waters on the days of the week you select.
I have a rainbird esp-me with 4 zones. I also run off of a well and I don’t want it to go dry so I found that running 1 zone for 15 minutes with at least a 2 hr break to the next zone seems to work. What I would like to do is run zones 1 and 2 (shaded area) for 15 minutes 3 days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) and zones 3 and 4 (sunny area) for 15 minutes 4 days a week (Sun, Tue, Thur, Sat). I would like to start around 4am so it would be finished around 6:30am. I am at a loss on how to set this up. Also, I would possibly like to water zones 3 and 4 a second time on the same schedule (Sun, Tue, Thur, Sat) during the hotter/dryer months. How would I go about doing this?
You can do most of what you want by using the 4 programs on the timer. The tricky part is getting the 2 hour break between start times for the stations, because multiple stations on a program water in sequence; that is when one station waters and shuts off the next station on the program begins watering.
1. Put station 1 on program A, start time at 4am, station run time for 15 minutes, and water days Mon, Wed, & Fri. Make sure that station run times for stations 2-4 are at zero.
2. Put station 2 on Program B, start time at 6am, station run time for 15 minutes, and water days Mon, Wed, & Fri.
3. Put station 3 on Program C, start time at 4am, station run time for 15 minutes, and water days Sun, Tue, Thur, & Sat.
4. Put station 4 on Program D, start time at 6am, station run time for 15 minutes, and water days Sun, Tue, Thur, & Sat.
Watering stations 3&4 a second time in hotter months isn’t possible because of the break required between start times. If you add the link wifi module & add the Rain Bird app to your phone you could do the 2nd watering off the app by watering program C&D manually when it’s hot.
I have ESP ME controller. I have start times at 5 am & 8 pm. There are 6 zones set at 20 minutes. All this program A. There are no other programs and no other start or set times of watering. I have decided to not water any zones and have turned dial to OFF. A couple of days later I decide to manual water one zone. I turn dial to MANUAL STATION I advance to zone 6, let’s say I do this at noon, I press the button to start that one and only one zone. I do not need or want any other zone to water. The timer will not count down. The allotted time for this his single manual zone waters. I do not turn dial back to off. At 8 pm zone 1 will start watering. The program is running yet display is blinking zone 6 with time and dial is still on manual zone. I have called tech support their answer (I’ve called 3 times) is always press RESET. This last time I called I told the tech that I have pressed RESET and yet the program of all 6 zones runs while dial is in manual zone setting. Help me understand how I only can get one zone to manually work without babysitting this controller. Tech support tells me know that the program will automatically run while in manual station setting. Ugh
According to the manual there are 2 ways to manually start a station/zone:
1. 1. Turn the dial to Manual Station.
2. Press < or > to select the desired Station.
3. Press – or + to set the time REMAINING.
4. Press and HOLD the Hold to Manually Start button to begin watering, or you may return the dial position to the Auto Run position and irrigation will begin immediately.
Instead of pressing and holding the Manually Start button, turn the dial to Auto to start the manual cycle. In the AUTO RUN mode, the display shows a blinking sprinkler symbol, the active Station Number and the remaining Run Time. To cancel manual watering, turn the controller dial to OFF for three seconds and then back to AUTO RUN.
If you use the method of holding the Manually Start button like you describe, turn the dial to OFF for three seconds to cancel it from the display. I think this is the step you’re missing. Let me know if this works. KT
Hello all,
I have the same ESP timer in my villa, and 11 out of the 12 valve are engaged. What i wanna do is to turn more than one valve at the same time; because we got rid of some of the grass and would like to change the wastering system from “grass” to water tree only. Thus, I’ll cancel the sprinklers and keep the water dropper which waters the tree only.
So, Can anyone call me please how do i do that please?
You can water up to two sprinkler valves on one timer station terminal. For example: You could take the station wire from station 11 and connect it to the terminal on station 10. Two sprinkler valves would then water at the same time on station 10.
Thank you very much, definitely I will give it a try.
Trying to set my Rain Bird ESP – TM2 to have only zone 4 and 5 to run on Tuesdays
I have all 6 zones set to run on Thursdays and Sundays. I have set program A for 10 mins, program B for 15 mins and program C for 20 mins. This watering schedule works perfectly. Now I want to water also on Tuesdays but only in zone 4 and 5. Would you please advise me how I need to program additional day with the same watering duration.
I’m not understanding why you have programs A,B, & C watering. You could put the 6 zones on programs A, set one start time, then turn on days Thursday and Sunday. The timer will water these zones in sequence with one start time. Then go to program B, put time on zones 4 & 5, set one start time, then turn on Tuesday. Go to program C and turn off the start time so the program won’t water anything on program C.
Not sure what happened to my post I just posted a few mins ago. So I am typing it again. I have a sloping front yard, which faced East. I struggle every year with the grass there.. it does not survive summers.
Someone said instead of watering it 3 times a week for 20-30 mins straight, I should do 5 min on 5 min off cycle on this zone so that water gets time to soak instead of draining on the slope.
My question is if this is a good strategy.
My second question is how do I achieve this with my Raibird ESP controller.
If you’re getting run-off on the slope when watering the 20 minutes, I would water more often and less time. Maybe every day instead of 3 times a week, around 10 minutes per run. Check if you’re getting run-off at 10 minutes per run. Remember you need 1-2 inches of precipitation per week as a general rule. If you tell me what sprinkler heads and nozzles you’re using I can help more with how long to water.
On an ESP timer you could move this zone to another program, turn on every day, add in a start time, and start with 10 minutes for the station run time. It’s usually better to water early morning or later in the evening. Remember to adjust the station run time to zero on the program that it’s currently on.
FYI. I have to moderate the comments before they become public.
I have just purchased the WIFI unit for my ESP-ME controller. Prior to adding the WIFI unit, my controller was set up:
Program A (front lawn) – 10 mins (4am, 8am, 8pm) (Wed/Fri/Sun) (should be Zone 1)
Program C (Drip)-1 hr 50 mins (9am) (Wed/Fri/Sun) (should be Zone 2)
Everything was working fine until the WIFI unit was put in. The controller now states that I am watering my lawn (Zone 1-4) 10 mins a day (4am, 8am, 8pm) (Wed/Fri/Sun)
I have no idea what Zones 3 and 4 are and how Program A decided it wanted to water all 4 Zones now at 10 mins each time.
Why would the controller decide to run all 4 Zones now when I don’t believe there is valves hooked up for Zone 3 and Zone 4? How do I correct this?
Thank you for any help you can provide
Sounds like when you installed the Wifi link module the timer reverted to its default programming, which is 10 minutes per station for all stations. The ESP-Me comes from the factory with 4 stations available, that’s why your seeing run times for the 4 stations. On the app or at the timer, adjust stations 3 & 4 to zero for the station run time. It also looks like you’ll need to re-adjust the station run time for station 2.
Good article, – it totally explained my situation, so thank you for that!
BUT!, – there is ONE burning question: if the thing runs thru ALL of the programs (A, B, & C), then what is the PURPOSE of having 3 programs ?
You have FOUR start times per cycle, and in each start time, you can select any number of valves, and run each individual valve for different duration’s, so I don’t see why you couldn’t cover every scenario with just one program. Am I missing something ?
Yes. You can add start times in a program but you can’t change the station run time for each start time on that program. Multiple programs are good if you have different watering needs in your yard. Let’s say you have grass zones that water 4 days a week, drip zones that water 2 days a week, and a new sod zone that needs to water every day 4 times a day to keep the sod moist. You could put the grass zones on program A, the drip zones on program B, and the new sod zone on program C. This scenario could only be done with multiple programs.
CORRECTED VERSION OF ABOVE COMMENT: Thanks for this explanation about the use of programs. Until this article, I haven’t found any explanations for how different programs can be used.
I am ‘attempting’ to set my Rain Bird ESP to have only station 6 run 2 times per day.
I have all 6 zones set to run Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun-starting at 4am on Program A… All is good there…..so I switch over to program B and turn all zones to 0:00 minutes, except zone 6. I have it to run at 6pm and have all days of the week turned on. Inevitably at 6pm…….zone 1 starts.
What am I missing?
Sounds like you’re doing everything right. Double check that program A & B only have 1 start time each. Also check that program C has no start times. If that doesn’t work try zeroing out run time for station 6 on program A and doing 2 start times for station 6 on program B.
Exactly the advise I needed. Everything is working as needed. Thank You for your time and support.
You’re absolutely right. It doesn’t matter what program you have on, if you set times on each program to run into each other, the controller will water your lawn on that same day each time you’ve set it. A person may be watering their lawn 3 times a day! Thanks for the explanation, it helped me to understand. Just wondering the best way to get around it. Thanks Byron
I have a rain bird ESP me timer witch does not use a switch it has a push button for the programs and it has six start times a day with a A, B, C and D program with the ability to have 22 zones if you buy three six zone expansion blocks the timer comes out of the box with 4 zones.
I have the Rain Bird ESP Modular Controller It is currently set to water 4 stations in the morning and 4 stations in the afternoon. I want to quit watering in the afternoon and can’t figure out how to do this. I was not the one who set it up to do this and even though I have read through your info and watched the video I am still at a loss at how to do this. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
It sounds like you have an additional start time programmed in. Turn the dial to Set Watering Start Times -> Press Manual Start to see the start times on the program. You only want time on the 1ST Start Time, so use the Up and Down arrows to turn the other start times on the program OFF. Each program has 4 start times available so you’ll need to check the start times on the other programs also.
Hi Kerry,
I have Rain Bird ESP the same as the one mentioned above. And I want to set the watering time four times a day, for example:
– 7:00 – 3 minutes.
– 11:00 – 3 minutes,
– 15:00 – 3 minutes
– 19:00 minutes
How can I do that please?
Each program on the timer has four watering start times. Push the program selector to program A. Turn the dial to “Set Watering Start Times”. The first start time will display. Use the Up & Down arrows to adjust the start time to 7:00. Press Manual Advance. Start time #2 will display. Use the Up & Down arrows to adjust time to 11:00. Repeat process for start times 3 & 4. Note: Remember that you need to add 3 minutes to the station or stations that you want to water at these start times.
Well done.
Thanks a lot.
Quick question, if I turn the dial to the advanced cycles I get different options than the one I have seen on your videos?
I have Rainbird ESP modular, so if I turn the dial to the advance cycles I don’t get the word custom, instead I get numbers, for example, 1 to 31, 246 and so on. The question here which option should I choose if I want to water port daily basis?
This information is from the Rain Bird manual, you want the Custom Cycle:
Each program can run in one of four
watering cycles:
CUSTOM waters on the days of the
week you select. See the instructions
ODD waters only on odd-numbered
days of the month. See page 15.
EVEN waters only on even-numbered
days of the month. See page 15.
CYCLIC waters on a selected daily
interval (for example, every other day,
or every third day). See page16.
Custom Cycle
1. Select the program you want.
2. Turn the dial to ADVANCED CYCLES.
3. “CUSTOM” should appear in the
display. If it does not, press UP or Down Arrow until “CUSTOM” appears.
4. Turn the dial to “MON.”
5. The display shows the day of the
week and “ON” or “OFF.”
6. Press “ON” or “OFF” to change the
setting for this day of the week.
7. Turn the dial to the next day of the
week. Repeat steps 5 through 7 until
you have set each day of the week
either ON or OFF.
8. Turn the dial to AUTO.