Possible cause:
Shorted Station – A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the fault in the circuit.
Seasonal Adjust is at 0% – The seasonal adjust % value has been set to zero. Enter a seasonal adjust value and set the dial back to AUTO. The LED will turn off.
No start time – All start times have been removed. Enter at least one start time and set the dial back to AUTO. The LED will turn off.
No run times – Enter a run time for at least one active valve and set the dial back to AUTO.
The problem I run into most is a shorted valve wire.
Thanks for the troubleshooting list. I’ve got the alarm light but nothing on the panel to point me in a direction. The seasonal adjust is at 100%, times are all set correctly and I removed the rain sensor and used a jumper on the “SENS” connections.
Any place you could point me to?
The most common problem is a bad solenoid on a sprinkler valve or possibly a bad timer wire. Move the sensor switch to bypassed position. I would try resetting the timer then manually advance through the stations. Reset button is on the back of the front panel. Take notice of which station activates the alarm. This will be the sprinkler valve with the bad solenoid or the timer wire with a problem. Remove this station wire from terminal on the timer then reset timer and manually advance through stations again. If alarm doesn’t light then you know you’ve isolated the problem. Let me know if this helped.
I need directions for setting a time and day sequence on my Model no. 635570-R.
The part number you listed is for a transformer for the ESP-Me controller. To set a watering time:
Turn the dial to Start Times
1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
2. Press Back or Forward button to select an available Start Time.
3. Press Plus or Minus button to set the selected Start Time (ensure the AM/PM setting is correct).
4. Press Forward button to set additional Start Times.
5. To turn off a start time press Minus button until 12:00 AM (00:00 in 24 HR), then press Minus button one more time for OFF.
NOTE: The OFF Position for any start time is between 11:45 PM and 12:00 AM.
To set day to water:
1. Press Program Select to choose the desired Program (if necessary).
2. Press Minus or Plus button to set the selected (blinking) day as either ON or OFF, and to automatically move to the next day.
3. Press Forward or Back button at any time to move the cursor to the previous or next day.
NOTE: With Sunday selected, press the Forward button to enter and activate Cyclic Watering (see the Advanced Programming section). If this is not desired, press the Back button to return to watering by Custom Days.
I have Rain bird ESP we have three zones all set for one hour each running back to back after three hour it start another cycle just want one< what can be done Tks
Make sure you only have one start time for the three zones you want to water on the program you’re using. One start time will water all three zones in sequence.
So I will set all the zones at say like 4:00 a.m for 1 hour. The 1st will come on, then the 2nd, then the 3rd? I don’t want them all to come on at the same time?
They won’t unless you have all three zones wired to one station terminal at the timer. The three zones will water in sequence with one start time.
Well, so how do I get it to run 1 cycle? It keeps running 2 cycle times.
Check that you only have one start time on the program you’re using. Also check that you don’t have start times on the other programs.
I want to run the system full manual with no start times. I set it to no start times for all three programs A, B, and C. I’ve set the three zones to run 15 minutes each on program A. When I switch it to AUTO, the ESP is showing “No Start Time” which is what I want. But when I hit the MANUAL/ADVANCE button to start the system manually, nothing happens and it keeps displaying “No Start Time”. Is it possible to have no start times, and just run it whenever I feel like it?
I’m pretty sure you need at least one start time for a program to work. Try adding one start time and turning all the days of the week off and see if the timer will water using Manual/Advance. If that doesn’t work add one day in the week to water then use Manual/Advance to water on the other days.
Cannot cancel a watering start time on ESP-MC controller.
This is from the manual:
Use the arrow keys to select a start time. Start times are available in 15 minute intervals, with an OFF setting available between the 11:45 pm and 12:00 am options on the 60 Hz model (and between 23:45 and 24:00 on the 50 Hz model).
Note: Start times are displayed in chronological order. If a start time is deleted by setting it to OFF, all later start times are automatically moved down one start time number. When a start time is added to any start time number, the controller automatically reorganizes the times so that times appear in chronological order. This reorganization only occurs after the dial has been moved off the WATERING START TIMES position.
Also check that your programs are Stacked not Overlapped.
I have a 4 year old Rain Bird ESP- Me controller and irrigation system. Recently it showed an error message- “station seven wire shorted”. Station 7 sprinklers don’t work. How can I solve this problem?
Usually it’s the solenoid that’s the problem. I would check the solenoid on the sprinkler valve for station 7 first.
Good Morning:
I think I have a solenoid issue. The alarm red light comes in auto mode and when I unplugged it from the outlet and plug it back on I don’t get the red light anymore. However, it comes back on again the next day when it runs. I tried to also start it manually and I found out that station 3 is the one that trips it when I tried to start it manually.
What do you think?
I think you’re right. It’s probably a bad solenoid on your station 3 sprinkler valve.
I have a problem with RainBird ESP Modular with one main module and one extender.
The problem is, when programmer starting the valve, error “No 230V” is displayed.
Sounds like the timer isn’t getting power from the outlet. I would check that first.
The power supply works correctly, there is 30V AC at the output. The problem is that the controller does not understand that it is running on external power, as if it is constantly on battery, but in reality it is not.
It sounds like the panel isn’t communicating with the controller. I would guess you have a bad data cable or faulty controller. Rain Bird does have a warranty on controllers. I think it’s either 3 or 5 years. I would look at replacing your controller through warranty. Any Rain Bird dealer should be able to do that.
You’ve been so helpful in the comments to others, and I can’t seem to find anything else to help. Wondering if you have any ideas on why our Rainbird comes on (only one zone) at 5am daily? I tried resetting the station, the manual dial is turned to “off”, we use the app to program the timer and there is no program set at that time. They come on every day at 5am for 9 min. Any ideas what this could be?
Check the other programs, you probably have a Start Time and a Station Run Time for that zone.
ESP-M issue with times on one zone. All zones but one are set to 5m – 1h:5m. Zone 4 has a weird display where it shows 1h and 2m, but when I try to decrease the time to 30 minutes, the minutes start cycling between 0-9. It will scroll through 0-9 6 times before the hour changes to 0. How do I get this timer to change back so I can see 30 minutes, and not have to scroll between 0-9 three times.
This is from the manual:
Set Valve Run Times
You can set any valve to run from 0 to 6 hours. For the first hour, you can set the run time in one-minute increments. For
the remaining five hours, you can set the run time in 10-minute increments.
Press Up or Down arrow to set the number of minutes you want the valve to run. If you do not want a valve to run during
this program, set the “MINUTES” to 0.
I do not think you understand. Zones 1-3, 5-10 I can set the valves to zero minutes. Only the minutes are displayed. I can then scroll up and set the minutes to 30 minutes. I can also scroll up and when it goes past 60 minutes, it then changes to hours and minutes. So 90 minutes shows as 1H and 30 min. This is normal operation.
Zone 4 always shows Hours and minutes. Minutes only show 0-9, I physically cannot not get the display to go to 10 minutes or 30 minutes. To get to what I think is 30 minutes, I scroll through 0-9 three times and then I think I am on 30 minutes. If I scroll through the minutes 6 times, it then changes the hours to 1. The valve never turns no matter what time I select.
It would be easier to show you a video if I could.
Zone 4 should turn on no matter how much time you have programmed in. Have you tried putting zone 4 on program B to see what happens, or swapping the wire with another zone to see if zone 4 will start up? It could be you have 2 problems, a glitch in your timer concerning zone 4 and a faulty sprinkler valve. I would remove the wire from zone 5, then take the wire from zone 4 and connect to terminal on zone 5 and see if it will start up. This will tell you if there is a problem in the sprinkler valve for zone 4. I would also get a multi-tester and check the output voltage at the timer for zone 4. It should be 24-29 volts.
I have the ESP-M model and when I turn it to bypass sensor alarm light goes away. When alarm is lit I don’t see any ‘# err’ on the display as mentioned on this thread and in this manual. Any ideas? When I run each zone in bypassed seems to be ok and I have been having this pro Alex on and off for about 2 weeks
Sounds like there is a problem with the rain sensor if you have one. I would leave the timer in bypass mode.
I have the same problem but with zone 2, 3, and 8. when I do a test on all the zones. it goes for zone 1, then zone 4-7, then zone 13 comes on. I get a error code and i reset it many times and even change to program b and c, but no difference.
You probably have a timer wire problem or a bad sprinkler valve solenoid. Resetting the timer won’t cure the problem. This is from the manual:
Shorted Station – A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the fault in the circuit.
Seasonal Adjust is at 0% – The seasonal adjust % value has been set to zero. Enter a seasonal adjust value and set the dial back to AUTO. The LED will turn off.
Try this:
1. Reset the timer.
2. Manually start first station.
3. Continue to press manual start for each station.
4. When you encounter the bad station the alarm LED will light.
5. Make note of the station. Disconnect this station wire from timer.
6. Reset and manually start timer again. It should run through stations without alarm LED lighting and confirm the wire you disconnected is the bad station.
7. Make repairs to bad station, most commonly it’s the solenoid.
Did you figure out the problem. I have the same issue.
Day does not match the day that is programmed in today is Saturday but on auto it is Tuesday
Follow these instructions:
Set Current Date
1. Turn the dial to “SET CURRENT DATE.”
2. The display shows the day of the month, the month, and the year. The month flashes.
3. Press Up or Down arrow to set the current month.
5. The day of the month flashes in the display.
6. Press Up or Down arrow to set the current day.
8. The year flashes in the display.
9. Press Up or Down arrow to set the current year.
10. Set the dial to “AUTO.”
This should cure your problem.
I have a Rainbird ESP-Modular irrigation system with a Hunter Wireless Rain-Clik. We tried to turn it on after the winter to start the sprinklers and they wouldn’t come on. The Rainbird control panel has the red alarm button on and the Hunter rain sensor bypass shows the sensor status as red – sensor is wet. We have tried to find something to figure out how to fix this and can’t find anything to fix this. Help!!!
Try moving the sensor switch to the bypassed position and see if you system will work.
I had the same problem and it started working when I bypassed the sensor. Does that mean the sensor is bad?
Probably if the timer works in the bypass mode.
I have a Rainbird ESP 12-lx and I’m getting a “MV FAULT” on auto cycle and when I try TEST. I read through these comments but still confused on what to do aside from calling my sprinkler guy. Thanks.
I’m assuming you don’t have a master valve. If you don’t try this:
1. Turn the dial to MV or PUMP SELECT.
2. The display shows the station number and MV ON or MV OFF. The station number flashes.
3. Press the UP or Down arrow to select the station number you want to set.
4. Press MAN./START/ADV.
5. The ON or OFF flashes in the display.
6. Press UP arrow for ON or Down arrow for OFF. Select OFF.
7. To set another station, press MAN.START/ADV. Repeatsteps 2 – 6 for each station you want to set.
8. Turn the dial to AUTO.
I use the esp to water several zone in my pasture
Is there a easy way to know how much total run time for each program.a b c and d
The only way I know of to get a total run time for each program is to write down and add up the station run times.
I have a ESP modular, when I turned to station 5 it said no modular and the red warning lite is on. I changed the modular which only has one wire to it, as it has always had. Still got the same thing on station 5 (no modulal or no mod). How do I get the light off and get station 5 to work ?
You have a short somewhere, probably in the wiring to the station 5 sprinkler valve or the solenoid on the station 5 valve.
I have a rainbird esp. have 9 zones. Inside the timer box I see 4 colored wires and one white attached to area on left. These are zones 1 thru 4
I have 3 colored wires in center, zones 5,6,7. Two wires on right, zones 8 and 9. Hit zone 4 wire and PVC while digging. Reattached two wires going to solenoid, it doesn’t work. I get the alarm light when it’s hooked up one way, no light the other. Replaced with new solenoid and valve, reattached wires. It still doesn’t work and now zones 1,2 & 3 don’t work. I have tried disconnecting power to timer and restarting. Zones 5 thru 9 work fine. I made sure wires are together at solenoid area. Help
Sounds like you may have more damaged wires than the one you repaired. From your description it sounds like the white wire is the common. I would dig up the timer wires again where you damaged them and cut them at the damage spot. Then buy a 2′ piece of timer wire (18/10). 18 is the gauge, 10 is the number of wires. You need 9 wires for the stations and 1 wire for the common. Strip the shielding away and strip the timer wires back 1/2″. Loop up the ends and connect color to color with wire nuts. Test all stations to make sure they work. If they do take sandwich bags and place over the 2 ends of the looped up splices and use electrical tape to seal off bottom of bag to keep moisture out. Or you could use silicone filled wire nuts instead if all the stations work. Lay looped up ends in the trench and backfill. Remember the splice location in case you have trouble in the future. Good Luck!
I have Rain Bird ESP-M, when I turn the dial to zones 5 & 6 I get a display that says no mod 1? Zone 5 & 6 won’t come on.
The ESP base unit comes with 4 stations. You have to add a 3 or 6 station module to get more stations. Does your timer have a module plugged in?
The ESP timer keeps burning the transformer out
Hmm, it’s pretty unusual for transformers to go bad. I would check the power outlet you’re plugging the transformer into to make sure it’s putting out 120 volts.
Hello, when I go to zone 5 on my Rain Bird ESP modular time it give me the message: “No Mod exist/found.” I disconnect, and then reconnect the module. When I do this it recognizes that zone. Is the module failing? Do I need to replace it? Or is it the valve solenoid the needs replacing?
I don’t think it’s a valve solenoid. When you get this message the timer isn’t recognizing the module. Could be that the module is going bad but I would use it until you get that message a few more times before buying a new module. Make sure to push the module towards the top of the cabinet when installing for a good connection, and slide the lever to the right to lock the module in place.
My ESP-M controller malfunctioned and alarm light came on. I ran (test valves) program and all 5 zones functioned. I thought it was just a glitch, hit reset and alarm light went off. Next water cycle the alarm light came back on and system failed. Digital codes readout says 1 error, 2 error,3 error, 4 error and 5 error. 4 zones are on one module and last zone is on second module.
Expert at Rain Bird said there was a wiring short to a solenoid, but why would they work on (test valves) program? All expert said was hmmm. Expert then said to hold in the reset button for 30 seconds and that should clear the problem. It hasn’t!
Any suggestions?
My experience is when a timer throws an error message in the display it’s usually a bad solenoid on a sprinkler valve. Usually the error message in the display points to one valve. It’s a little weird that you can run the test valves and everything works fine. When you run the test valves feature is there a sprinkler zone that doesn’t water?
My advice would be to manually water each sprinkler zone and see if one station throws the error. I would start with station 1. Here’s the instructions from the manual:
1. Turn the dial to the valve number you want to run. Make sure the valve has a run time greater than 0 in the selected program.
2. If the valve has a zero run time, either select a different program or press the Up arrow to set a non-zero run time. This run time will then become part of the program.
3. Press MANUAL START / ADVANCE to start the selected valve.
4. The valve number blinks in the display to show that it is running.
5. To cancel valve currently selected to run, turn the dial to OFF for three seconds. Then return the dial to AUTO.
Repeat these steps for stations 2-5. Hopefully using this method you’ll be able to find the faulty valve because the valve should throw an error message. If this works, reset the timer and disconnect the wire from the station terminal. That way you should be able to water the rest of your system until you’re able to repair the sprinkler valve.
Let me know what you find out. KT
I did as you suggested. I went through each of the 5 zones, manually rotating the dial to each zone in sequence and watering for 2 minutes each before advancing the dial. Every solenoid functioned, opened each valve and watered for the 2 minutes before shutting off, then I advanced to the next. Everything functioned perfectly.
If solenoid on valve 1 is going bad, would that shut the whole system down and light up the alarm light, showing all 5 zones in error, or would the other zones function. Could it be a bad plug in module?
I’m sorry, I forgot to mention the system worked just fine again until yesterday, then it shut down again and alarm light lit up.
I cleared everything and reprogrammed. Working, but for how long????
I would upgrade to Rain Bird’s ESP-Me Wifi timer that you can run from your smartphone in your recliner. 🙂
I’m beginning to think something is going bad on your controller. If you have a bad solenoid it should throw the error message every time you manually start that zone. Showing all 5 zones in error tells me it’s something faulty in the controller.
Took your advice, ordered a new ESP-4ME controller and a 6 station expansion module. No Wifi module as I don’t need to program the controller w/ my phone.
Thanks for the help
Let me know how you like it. KT
I have a customer who has the Rainbird ESP-Me controller with two modules. There is a well pump being controlled by the controller. I have an error message about a short in the master valve or pump start not allowing the controller to water. i wired the controller over a year ago have had to replace three solenoids due to the age of the valves, over fifteen years age. I check the wires from the controller to the pump start relay they appear to be as I installed them a year ago, no burn signs. I followed your diagram on page three of the manual, I was follow the remarks about putting the jumper to an open station which on my controller is station five, so my jumper is from station three to the next module station five, I also had to put a common wire from the ten strand cable to the common terminal. i wire nutted the field common to the jumper and the common from the pump start relay when I first installed the controller. It worked perfectly for a year now I have the alarm. There is a container against the wall with two aluminum painted green nursery stakes which were touching the relay wires would that have caused a short? i have now taped the wires together and fastened them to the wall board using electrical staples with a shield to protect the insulation of the wires. Do you have to keep the jumper on one module?
I would remove the jumper wires and use the timer to turn off the stations you’re not using. I would also manually start a station and test the voltage to the relay. You could have a bad relay. Here’s the info from the manual on the master valve:
The controller has one master valve (MV) terminal on its main Module 0. In some systems, a booster pump is connected to the MV terminal and needs to operate with certain zones and not in others. The default is for all stations to have the MV circuit ON. To program MV circuit /pump operation:
1. Turn the dial to “Seasonal Adjust%” .
2. Press and hold the MANUAL START/ADVANCE button for three (3) seconds until “SET MV” is displayed briefly.
3. The display will then show the station number, “MV” and a flashing “ON” or “OFF” (Default is ON for all stations).
4. A. Press “OFF” or “ON” to assign master valve/pump operation to the specific station.
B. Press the ADVANCE button. This toggles between selecting the station number and MV settings.
5. Press the Up or Down buttons to select the next station and press the ADVANCE button.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all necessary stations.
7. Turn the dial to “AUTO” to finalize the master valve program by station.
So far this solution has worked great for me. I don’t have a master valve on my system but was getting the “MV err” code on all zones.
I turned this setting off and timer worked just fine.
My alarm shows the following: install or replace SM8 module in module slot 2. What does that mean?
Your ESP modular timer comes with 4 stations. To add stations you plug in 3 station modules. The timer will accommodate up to 13 stations simply by adding modules. My guess is you have a bad module. Try unplugging and plugging in the module that runs station 8. Be sure to move the lever into the unlock position to remove the module and to lock position after the module is reinstalled. If that doesn’t work you may have to buy a new module and try that.
G,day I have a Rain bird ESP modular and the Alarm light is on .I first tried all the watering stations and they all worked manually except for number one what happened at first it went straight onto number two and bypassed number one station .I then went back again manually to number one station and it showed one and the time that is set for watering but
then the Alarm light came on again after trying to use it and nothing happened at all . All other stations are fine and working manually except number one.
Your assistance would be most welcomed .
Sounds like you have a problem with station 1. The most likely culprit is a bad solenoid on the sprinkler valve.
Red Alarm lights on and my system does not function when individual valves are selected manually, when in valve test mode, and in auto mode. However, when I depress the reset button on back of control panel the system turns on and Valve 1 begins to function. The only happens when the reset button is depressed, once released the valve closes. Ant thoughts?
According to the manual when the alarm LED is lit the possible causes could be:
1. No start time.
2. No run times.
3. Seasonal adjust is at 0%.
4. Shorted station.
Corrections recommended for items listed above are:
1. All start times have been removed. (The factory default program is in effect: Program A at 8:00AM.) Enter at least one start time and set the dial back to AUTO. The LED will turn off.
2. The default 10-minute run time for all active valves has been removed. Enter a run time for at least one active valve and set the dial back to AUTO. The LED will turn off.
3. The seasonal adjust % value has been set to zero. Enter a seasonal adjust value and set the dial back to AUTO. The LED will turn off.
4. A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the fault in the circuit. If “MV Err” occurs, repair the fault. With the dial in AUTO, press the ADVANCE button to clear the Alarm LED.
The most common problem and correction is number 4.
I did all the recommendations steps 1-4, with 4 having no #error sign on the screen but still the alarm light is on. Please help!
Try resetting the timer, the alarm should go off. Then manually advance through the stations. Notice if one of the stations trigger the alarm when doing this.
I have a problem with my rainlbird esp modular. I have 9 stations and on station 8 and 9 the display shows NO 8 10. What can be the problem. We had a power outage for 2 days.
Did the stations work before the power outage? If so, it could be the outage affected the timer. I would try first pushing the reset button. It could also be the module. If the reset doesn’t work you may want to test that the module is producing power when stations 8 and 9 are turned on. You want 24-29 volts of output from the timer to the valves.
alarm light lit indicating error on Sta #3. Sta #3 will come on manually but not in auto mode ???? once controller is turned OFF and then Sta 3 is turned on manually, alarm light goes out
You probably have a bad solenoid on station 3. This is from the Rain Bird ESP manual:
Possible Cause – A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. (ALARM LED on the faceplate is lit.)
Solution – The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the
fault in the circuit. With the dial in AUTO, press the ADVANCE button to clear the Alarm LED.
All stations are working except for station 6. The display reads “used” when the dial is set on station 6. What does that mean?
Without seeing how you timer is wired, I won’t be much help.
Hi, I replaced 3 sprinkles that wasn’t working properly. I just dig a little for unscrew the sprinkler and replaced with a new one. After that the system won’t start not even manually. No alarms the controller seems to be working properly. I have 4 zones Please help
Sounds like your water is off. Check that first. You should be able to start any of the 4 valves manually without the timer.
I forgot to mention that I have a water well, It has water. I’m wondering if I should reset the timer
It’s worth a try.
Alarm LED is lit. Display shows MV ERR.
Do you have a Master Valve (MV) on your sprinkler system or is the wiring connected to a relay for a sprinkler pump? If not, then you don’t need wiring connected to the master valve terminals. If you do have a master valve or pump relay, this is from the troubleshooting section of the Rain Bird ESP manual:
A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. (ALARM LED on the faceplate is lit.)
The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the fault in the circuit. If “MV Err” occurs, repair the fault. With the dial in AUTO, press the ADVANCE button to clear the Alarm LED.
In my experience, a shorted solenoid on sprinkler valve is usually the culprit.
I don’t know for sure. None of the stations are disabled. It runs normally and all sprinkler heads pop up and spray normally. I did notice that the sensor for rain has no wires running to it so I’m assuming it sends a wireless signal. Perhaps it has a battery that needs replacing?
Doesn’t sound like you have a master valve. Make sure there are no wires connected to those terminals. Do you have a rain sensor? If not then there should be a jumper wire connected to the 2 rain sensor terminals.
MV error, alarm light on , pushed it ,
how do i address master valve problem
Do you have a Master Valve (MV) on your sprinkler system or is the wiring connected to a relay for a sprinkler pump? If not, then you don’t need wiring connected to the master valve terminals. If you do have a master valve or pump relay, this is from the troubleshooting section of the Rain Bird ESP manual:
A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. (ALARM LED on the faceplate is lit.)
The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the fault in the circuit. If “MV Err” occurs, repair the fault. With the dial in AUTO, press the ADVANCE button to clear the Alarm LED.
In my experience, a shorted solenoid on sprinkler valve is usually the culprit.
My Rain Bird error reading shows PGMA?
Check that program A has a start time, station run time for the valves, and seasonal adjust is NOT at 0%.
I have another problem with my ESP Modular. The ALARM is red; and in AUTO the word ‘NO’ appears on the screen. In ‘OFF’ I press ‘RESET’ and ALARM goes out, but when I put the dial back to any other setting the ALARM light comes on again. Any thoughts please?
Hi! My Rainbird ESP Modular zone 1 won’t water, the rest of my 3 zones work. The alarm i slit and the display shows err1. I googled the problem and most posts said the peoblem is the solenoid. I looked around the front and backyard and found only one w/ a solenoid to replace. I saw in some videos they have multiple solenoids. Is this normal to have just one solenoid? I also don’t know which replacement model will fit my unit. Thank you in advance for your help!
Charles J.
Your station 1 on the system probably has a bad solenoid. Each sprinkler valve only has one solenoid. Take a picture of the problem valve then go a a sprinkler supplier to find a replacement.
Thank you for the reply. I have to call the experts and they found 3 more solenoids hidden in different places and one of them is not working w/c is the zone 1. and of course paid a fortune. Now i know where they’re located.
Whats error 4?
I cannot find my Rain Bird manual and on the display it shows “4 error”. What does that mean?
This is from Rainbird’s manual under troubleshooting:
A short circuit in the solenoid or valve wiring has disabled the station. (ALARM
LED on the faceplate is lit.)
The display will show “# Err,” where # is the valve number at fault. Identify and repair the fault in the circuit. If “MV Err” occurs, repair the fault. With the dial in AUTO, press the
ADVANCE button to clear the Alarm LED.
According to the manual there is a problem with station 4 on your system.
My Rainbird ESP Modular system comes on at random times. It was working ok and programmed to turn on at midnight, one day the sprinkler system came on during the day. I checked all time set and nothing has changed. Strange!!
Check if your programs have multiple start times. Remember each start time will water all the stations on that program in sequence. You don’t need a start time for each station.
My alarm light is blinking on and off randomly (not steadily), no error code on display. All settings listed here are correct. Any suggestions?
…And I should have added all sensors and valves were recently replaced with new ones and the system ran fine for over a month. Appreciate any help.
Will the system work normally on bypass if I get a sensor alarm error
Or does the rain sensor need to work
Yes the timer should work if you bypass the sensor.
My Rainbird ESP Modular system alarm light is on and indicates a sensor fault. I just replaced the sensor, tested it with a multimeter, and installed it on the sensor terminals. The system works fine in BYPASSED mode but when switched to normal mode, the alarm light comes and stays on. I tried using the reset button but no change in status.
Any ideas?
Did you remove the jumper wire before connecting the sensor wires to the terminals? If you’re sure everything is wired correctly I would call Rain Bird Tech Support at 1-800-RAINBIRD.
I’m having the exact same problem and Rainbird’s tech support line is always busy and disconnects me every time I call. I’ve replaced the sensor battery and everything else on the sensor itself appears to be working. What could be wrong?
I assume we’re talking about the rain sensor. Try moving the switch to bypass and see if the timer works. If it does then you know there is a problem with the rain sensor.
Yes, talking about the rain sensor. The alarm indicator only comes on when the sensor is in the “active” position; it turns off when it’s in the “bypass” position. I’ve tried replacing the sensor battery and troubleshooting the sensor itself, but it appears to be functioning properly according to the screen readout. I also understand the sensor alarm will turn on when it’s raining and the sensor is preventing the irrigation system from activating, but the alarm light remains on regardless of weather conditions. Any ideas?
I could be wrong but I don’t think the alarm on the timer should come on when you move the selector to the active position for the rain sensor. If the rain sensor is working properly the alarm on the timer shouldn’t come on at all, it should just stop your timer from watering when it’s raining.
Why’s the alarm coming on then?
check this…http://www.rainbird.com/documents/diy/ValveInstallTips.pdf
my red light was on…and I googled and found this site. I turned off the sprinkler water, bled the individual valves, turned the water back on …it was a bubble in the line…apparently.
If the steps you just took cured your problem then great, but bleeding the sprinkler valves should have nothing to do with the alarm light on the sprinkler timer. One is water hydraulics and the other (LED light on the timer) is electrical.
Ok, My alarm is led and shows Error # 4. Yes, station # 4 is not working. I have changed solenoid. I can manually turn # 4 from valve, but it refuse work automatically. Every time when cycle come to station # 4 – I see error and system jump to # 5. Where to start?
Since you’ve replaced the solenoid your problem is probably in the timer wire.
MNodel ESP-M 635600-17-d sn1232812
10 valves per box
Alarm lite is lit
Get ERROR 1 – 10
Get MV Error
Can’t op in manual
Power cycled – no joy
Other question:
Was told that the reset button clears out all programming…..TRUE?
In the Rain Bird manual for the ESP Modular timer it says this:
So according to Rain Bird resetting will not dump the program.
is the timer a espme timer if it is and y have no run time or start time it will display a the problum on the display and a alarm lite i dont know about seasonal agust i allso use the esp 4 m controler and i do not know if that one does on start times and run times but i do know it will have a alarm on a rain sensor