iScaper Rating
‘Rose Satin’ Variety
Deciduous shrub. Upright and compact when young, spreading open with age. Leaves out later in spring than other plants, but blooms from mid-summer until frost.
Height 8-12′. Width 6-10′. Zone 5. Likes sun. Large, single, rose-red flowers with deep red centers.
Easy to grow. Prefers heat, tolerates some drought. Prune to shape; for bigger flowers, cut back previous season’s growth in winter, cutting down to two buds. Sometimes trimmed as a hedge. Leaves to 4 inches long, often three lobed, coarsely toothed. Blossoms are single, semi-double, or double, 2-1/2 – 3 inches across.
The thing I like about this shrub is how long it flowers. In my area it does flower from mid-summer to almost the end of October.