Gallons Per Minute

In sprinkler systems, gallons per minute (gpm) or liters per second (L/s) is simply the volume of flow (how much) water is moving through your sprinkler system. If you are installing a new sprinkler system, maintaining your current system, or retro-fitting an existing system you need to know how many gallons per minute are available… Continue reading Gallons Per Minute

Flow, Velocity, & Friction Loss

iScaper Rating The volume of flow in a sprinkler system is measured in gallons per minute (gpm) in the US, and in liters per second (L/s) metrically. The velocity of flow is measured in linear feet per second (ft/s), meters per hour (m³/h), or liters per minute (l/m). Flow in pipe is always accompanied by… Continue reading Flow, Velocity, & Friction Loss